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5 Audition Tips for Newbies

These are tips that are most likely followed by the severely sarcastic, “Oh my god, noooo way…” However, they need to be said. Because, unfortunately, they don’t exactly have a class in public high school called “Auditioning 101.”

1.Shut up, sit down, and follow directions

You start auditioning the minute you walk into the audition room. Nothing says “I am here and ready to get a job” more than sitting down quietly and following directions. Don’t be that guy that can’t stop talking and has to be reminded of the directions every two minutes.

2. Confidence is good, cockiness is an immediate cut

Casting directors love to see someone who is confident in their self and can present themselves professionally. However…there is a fine line between confident and COCKY! And, absolutely no one likes a cocky person. Here is a simple rule: When you walk into the audition room, know YOU can do the skills, don’t BROADCAST that you can do the skills.

3. When a note is given during the sequence or monologue taught, take the note and apply it quickly.

Pay particular attention when you are given a note. It may be a test! They are looking at two things, 1) did you receive the note professionally and 2) how quick can you make the requested change. No one wants to hire someone that can’t quickly and efficiently apply a note.

4. Read the audition flier

If you are going to an audition, and you know you are going to be typed out immediately…why even waste your time? You know what’s worse than wasting your time? Wasting the time of a casting director who will remember exactly what you did next time! This sounds like it should be common sense: make sure to read the whole audition flier and make sure you fit the call requested. If the call requires “tap dancing,” you better be able to tap; if the call requires 10 push-ups, you better be able to push up; and if the call requires a 6 foot 7 inch basketball player, you better be…well, you get the point.

5. Your resume can save you from being kicked off the island

Never underestimate the power of your resume. It’s important to remember that although your resume may sometimes be secondary to your audition performance, you need to have a polished resume that accurately lists your experience. Sometimes when your performance is poor the day of your audition, your experience and skill set on your resume might just bankroll you through the next round of cuts!



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